
Archives: Actualités

France Universités’ Weekly News Watch

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Freedom of movement is key to Europe’s universitie’s international attractiveness

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France Universités, the CDEFM, the Cdefi, and the CGE say no to the National Rally for Universities and Schools

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Proposed recommenda-ons for FP10 : A program serving European policies and issues

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Mobilise Universities in the defense of Europe’s future

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France Universités strongly condemns all expressions of anti-Semitism

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Les Républicains (LR) proposed bill on immigration : a disaster for France’s scientific and academic attractiveness

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Government-driven restructuring of Swedish university boards raises serious concern among French universities

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France Universités and the Ontario Council on University Research sign a cooperation agreement

Implementing the Disability National Conference conclusions is a priority

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2 million
research laboratories
Nobel prize winners