Discover the new Board of Directors of France Universités
France Universités

Discover the new Board of Directors of France Universités

France Universités : date de publication

On December 15, 2022, the members of France Universités elected new members to their governing bodies. Alongside the new Executive Committee, chaired by Guillaume Gellé, President of Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, the General Assembly also elected the Presidents of three new Councils, and new members for the Board of Directors were elected.

With 88.57% of the votes, Guillaume Gellé, President of the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Virginie Dupont, President of the University of Southern Brittany and Dean Lewis, President of the University of Bordeaux form the new Board of France Universities.

The Councils, pillars for the strategic organization of France Universités

Three presidents were also elected to chair the Councils, which were established by the Association’s new statutes, which came into effect on December 1, 2022:

Virginie Laval, president of Université de Poitiers, as President of the Council for Education, Student Life and Graduate Employment;
Yassine Lakhnech, President of Université Grenoble Alpes, as President of the Research and Innovation Council;
Jean-Marc Ogier, President of La Rochelle Université, as President of the Personnel and Resources Council.

The councils examine the issues and refine the positions that France Universités takes within the framework of the general orientations defined by the Executive Committee. They may meet in whole or in part to deal with a cross-cutting issue, and they have the autonomy to take on issues that fall within their field.

Each member of France Universités is an ex-officio member of the three councils, which will meet on the third Wednesday of the month, the day before the General Assembly.

17 presidents make up the new Board of Directors

In addition to the three members of the Executive Committee and the three presidents of the Councils, 11 new members have been elected to the Board of Directors of France Universités :

Lamri Adoui, President of Université de Caen Normandy
Mathias Bernard, President of Université Clermont Auvergne
Hélène Boulanger, President of Université de Lorraine
Stéphane Braconnier, President of Université Paris Panthéon-Assas
Nathalie Drach-Temam, President of Sorbonne Université
Philippe Ellerkamp, President of Avignon Université
Anne Fraisse, President of the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3
Emmanuelle Garnier, President of Université de Toulouse – Jean Jaurès
Frédéric Miranville, President of Université de la Réunion
Gilles Roussel, President of Université Gustave Eiffel
Macha Woronoff, President of Université de Franche-Comté

The Board of Directors will meet once a week. And in order to best respond to needs, it may decide to create a commission or a working group for an appropriate period of time.

Consult France Universités’ new bylaws


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