Improving recognition and visibility for French universities

Improving recognition and visibility for French universities

With 1.8 million students and 200,000 staff, including nearly 90,000 research faculty, the public university system in France is the leading contributor to the country’s education and research sector. France Universités is committed to helping the country’s universities achieve their immense potential.

Raising awareness about the French university model

On January 13, 2022, the Conférence des Présidents des Universités (CPU) organized a congress to celebrate its fiftieth anniversary. On that occasion, the CPU changed its name to France Universités, underscoring its identification with the French university model, and asserting its profound commitment to attaining a better understanding of the singularity, and of the plurality, which the French university model embodies. France Universités strives to be a constructive partner, both for its members and for the French government.

The fiftieth anniversary of France Universités invited reflection upon the institution’s history and contribution to society. To mark the occasion, we published a new book entitled ‘CPU, 50 ans de transformations avec les universités françaises’. Additionally, in 2022, we organized the first edition of the ´Prix des Universités’.

Finally, since 2017, France Universités has been a regular participant, alongside many universities, in the Paris Image Production Forum. Regular contact with film producers and other professionals from the audiovisual industry has helped us to increase public recognition of the country’s rich university heritage.

Strengthening communication with decision-makers

France Universités has big ambitions for public service in the sectors of higher education, research, and innovation. These ambitions inform our interactions with government leaders as they consider the strategies and policies which define higher education and influence practices relating to university management and evaluation. During presidential and legislative election campaigns, France Universités gives voice to the French university model. We are in permanent contact with government leaders to ensure that the interests of higher education and research are considered in political debate.

Further develop the role universities play in their local communities

Universities can play an important role in the economic development of local communities. To further develop that role, France Universités conducted a study in 2021 to better understand university impact on local communities, both through training opportunities and through local partnerships. France Universités has committed itself to strengthening ties between universities and local economic players. These relationships ultimately improve student employment opportunities and enhance the practical value of research at a regional level.

To better understand society’s expectations of universities, France Universités conducted two surveys in 2021: one survey examined the perception of universities among elected officials and business leaders, and the other survey examined perceptions among members of the general population.

Building solidarity among European universities and adapting to geopolitical disorder

University research and training in France are improved by strong relationships at a European level. France Universités has worked to structure Europe’s higher education and research ecosystems. Additionally, France Universités strives to make French universities more visible internationally, leveraging international interest in excellent research and student mobility. Furthermore, France Universités strives to play a stabilizing role for universities coping with the effects of geopolitical disorder. To that purpose, France Universités has mobilized to help students affected by the war in Ukraine.

Improving recognition and visibility for French universities : nos articles
2 million
research laboratories
Nobel prize winners