France Universités, the CDEFM, the Cdefi, and the CGE say no to the National Rally for Universities and Schools
Implementing the Disability National Conference conclusions is a priority
Les Républicains (LR) proposed bill on immigration : a disaster for France’s scientific and academic attractiveness
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France Universités and the Ontario Council on University Research sign a cooperation agreement
France Universités : relaunching biomedical research in France
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Paris, February 19, 2025. The Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) and France Universités have signed today a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at the headquarters of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris. This agreement reinforces...
Every Monday, France Universités offers you a free weekly update on university-related news. In addition to news relating to France Universités, our Weekly News Watch features information relating to university networks, training and employment, research and innovation in France and...
In 2021, Prof. Virginie Dupont, Vice-President of France Universités (the French Conference of University Presidents), called through an EUA expert voice interview for an urgent reappraisal of the funding model for French universities. « The rapid growth of the student...
Universities Canada and France Universités are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to foster strategic collaboration between the universities in both countries on teaching and research. This agreement represents a significant step toward advancing student ...
As the current framework programme, Horizon Europe, enters its 4th year and reaches its midterm, several working groups have been launched by Member States and the European Commission in order to prepare the 10th Framework programm (FP). The French Ministry...
The rectors’ conferences of France – France Universités and CDEFI (the French Engineering School Directors’ Conference), Poland – KRASP, and Germany – HRK, consider European and international cooperation as a cornerstone of the successful work of our universities. Therefore, the...
The first round results of the early general elections on Sunday, June 30, show a real risk of the Rassemblement National (the extreme right party) winning a large majority in the French National Assembly on the evening of the second...
France Universités condemns in the strongest terms the terrorist attacks perpetrated at the end of last week by Hamas on Israeli territory against civilians, including students. It condemns with equal vigor the threat to execute hostages, including children. University...
France Universités, the National Rectors’ Conference, wishes to expresses its concern about the Swedish government’s unilateral decision to change the procedure for appointing external members to the country’s university boards, reducing their term of office from 36 to 17 months...
On April 23, 2023, in Ottawa, France Universités – which represents the 73 French universities –, and the Ontario Council on University Research, – which brings together 21 Canadian public universities –, signed a cooperation agreement designed to promote international...