Implementing the Disability National Conference conclusions is a priority
Photo : © France Universités – Université de Haute-Alsace
During the Disability National Conference, on April 26 2023, the French President has outlined a roadmap for a global better inclusion of people with disabilities, specifically during educational courses.
France Universités shares this objective and acknowledges there is room for improvement, in Higher Education institutions as well as with other training operators, both public and private. Importantly, however, France Universités wishes to reiterate the Universities’ contributions to the improvement of students with disabilities access: 92% of disabled students enrolled in Higher Education institutions are registered with a University – six times more than in 2007.
Support is the key factor of success for students, especially those with disabilities. While 55% of disabled students are enrolled in bachelor’s programs, their number drops at 16% at the master’s level. A total mobilization must be called to allow, at all levels, the path to success in the service of legitimate personal ambitions. To this end, Higher Education institutions are already in the process of adapting their curricula and assessment methods, in particular by means of third-time arrangements. We must collectively continue to work on improving the pedagogical and physical accessibility of our training courses.
While funding for the support of disabled students amounted to €900 per student in 2007, this figure has fallen to less than €300 in 2022, despite a budget doubling for that year. It is essential that the State continue its budgetary efforts with Universities to enable disability operations and further improve disabled students support, in order to assist them in success and ultimately employment.
France Universités is therefore attentively looking forward to the completion of the government’s plan for an inclusive University in the coming weeks.
Universities are also significant employers and, as such, are committed to increasing the number of employees with disabilities in all careers: administrative and service staff, managers, teacher-researchers and researchers. A charter, co-signed by the Conference of University Presidents with the Fund for the Integration of Disabled Persons in the Public service (FIPHFP) in 2007, was further developed in 2012. France Universités is currently updating this agreement to increase the current rate of 4% of jobs held by people with disabilities to possibly more than 6%.
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