Science and society: the role of education
France Universités, the Académie des Sciences, the Académie des Technologies and the Fondation La Main à la Pâte are organizing a symposium on “Science and society: the role of education” on December 15, 2022, at the Fondation Simone et Cino Del Duca in Paris.
To mark the 10th anniversary of the Maisons pour la Science network, France Universités, the Académie des Sciences, the Académie des Technologies and the Fondation La Main à la Pâte are organizing a symposium to shed light on the links between science, technology, and society in the educational world.
The production of scientific and technological knowledge plays an essential role in developing society’s response to the environmental, energy, health, and economic challenges we face today. The dissemination of knowledge in society generates questions and concerns, and even opposition, which affects research and its actors. These profound and long-term developments have led the public authorities to promote better relations between science and society and to give a special role to public universities in structuring this dialogue in local communities. In this dialogue, education has a special role because it is one of the main vectors for disseminating scientific and technological culture to young citizens.
An afternoon of exchange about science and society will involve two round tables. Speakers will include several actors involved in research and education, in the university system and in the public school system. Presentations will highlight initiatives involving scientists working with teachers and their students.
For more information about the program and for registration (please note that the number of places is limited): https://site.evenium.net/80w4chne/registration
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