Ecological responsibility of higher education and research institutions: the DD&RS label is gaining momentum
The main tool for recognizing the societal commitment of higher education and research institutions, this DD&RS label, initiated by France Universités and the Conférence des grandes écoles in 2016, continues to develop. There are now 15 member institutions of France Universités that have obtained it. Created in 2015, the label provides institutions with national and international recognition for their sustainable development and social responsibility initiatives.
The label is a useful tool for mobilizing the university community and involving local stakeholders in a cooperative effort to meet the challenges of the Ecological and Societal Transition. The DD&RS framework now includes the 17 sustainable development objectives and updated criteria relating to Research and Innovation, which allow research organizations to take ownership of the tool.
An established approach
Twice a year, the labeling committee, co-chaired by Valérie Le Chenadec, from the Université de Montpellier 3, with the support of Cirses (a national network of DD&RS managers), meets to award or to renew the label for universities and grandes écoles.
Today, 15 member institutions of France Universités, including 10 universities, have received the label: La Rochelle Université, Université de Poitiers, Université de Bordeaux, Université de Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, Université de Rouen Normandie, Université de Paris Dauphine PSL, Université de Montpellier 3, Université de Rennes 1, Université de Paris Nanterre, ECPM Université de Strasbourg, EHESP, ENSCBP Bordeaux INP, INSA LYON, Polytech Montpellier.
In order to obtain the label, establishments are called upon to complete a self-assessment process on a dedicated platform, which allows them to measure and qualify their approach, before applying for the label.
The next labelling committee meeting will take place in December 2022.
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