Sustainability : a French-Italian joint response for universities

France Universités : date de publication

    The challenges of sustainability in the academic and research environment: a French-Italian joint response

    Milano, September 28th, 2021
    (Politecnico di Milano – P.zza Leonardo da Vinci 32)

    Franco-Italian scientific and university cooperation is based both on the programs managed by the Franco-Italian University, created in 1998, and on the Framework Agreement signed on 22 October 2020 by the Conférence des Présidents d’Universités (CPU) and the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI).

    Following this agreement, the CRUI and the CPU defined a three-year action plan which, in 2021, will focus – among others – on the following topics :

     – Sustainable Development Goals, also in relation to the COP 26 co-chaired by Italy
     – European Universities (16 of which include both Italian and French partners).

    The COP « Youth4Climate: driving ambition », represents the ideal framework for the CRUI and CPU objectives of strengthening the dialogue between the French and Italian ecosystems of education, research, and innovation, to face the challenges of ecological transition.

    The event is organised into :

     – A Franco-Italian high-level forum on research and innovation for sustainable development, to define the Franco-Italian research priorities in the field of sustainable development and the key sectors for future academic-scientific collaborations.
     – A round table on the commitment of universities and their students to sustainable development, on topics related to: digital footprint in the context of digital transformation of universities, « green campus » initiatives, university and student networks for sustainability, and training for sustainable development.

    The main research bodies, student associations, young national representatives at Youth4Climate, alliances and networks already active on sustainability issues have been involved, as well as ministerial representatives and academic communities from both counties.

    The event will last from h. 14.00 to h. 17.30. It will be streamed, recorded, and made available on the website and social media channels of the organisers. Working language will be Italian and French, and simultaneous translation in English will be provided.

    • DRAFT Programme

      Follow the event on streaming at :

    • Youtube (in original language: Italian and French)
    • Zoom (with simultaneous translation in English)
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