France Universités

Setting the stage for student success

France Universités : date de publication

    Assuring that students have the means to succeed in their university studies entails offering excellent courses and creating optimal study conditions for all students. France Universités is working to meet this dual challenge.

    Adapting course offerings to build sustainable skill sets

    The skills which students need in their pursuit of career success evolve constantly. To prepare them for the jobs of tomorrow, the university system must adapt and renew its teaching practices, methods, and course offerings. France Universités has identified the following major lines of action: promoting learning support for university students; reinforcing relationships between universities and actors in the larger socioeconomic world; reforming medical studies; overhauling teacher education and professional continuing-learning offerings.

    Creating a learning environment conducive to study

    Academic success is only attainable for students whose material circumstances are sufficiently stable to allow them to focus on learning. The COVID pandemic has had detrimental effects on student living conditions and student health: increased financial fragility and increased social isolation had an impact notably on mental health. France Universités persistently alerted the government to these difficulties, and obtained numerous measures from the government including, for example, a return of classroom teaching, one-euro meals at the Crous, and reinforced student access to mental-health professionals.

    As educators of tomorrow’s leaders, French universities strive to equip their students intellectually to resist and to defeat racism, anti-Semitism, sexism or any other factor of social exclusion. So too is France Universités committed to addressing these major issues.

    2 million
    research laboratories
    Nobel prize winners