Our organization
An association of public utility
France Universités is an association under the French law of 1901 which brings together the executive directors of universities and higher education and research establishments in order to bring the voice and values of universities into the public debate. It currently has 116 voting members, including the university presidents, directors of the École Normale Supérieure, the INP and the INSA, and general administrators.
As a force for proposals and negotiations with the public authorities, the various higher education and research networks, economic and social partners and national and international institutions, France Universités reacts to changes in the world of higher education and research and proposes elements for transformation.
In a context of profound changes in the sector, France Universités also has a role to play in supporting presidents in their new missions and in promoting the French university and its values in France and abroad.
The Executive Committee
Composed of the President and his two Vice-Presidents, the Executive Committee, elected for 2 years, assumes a political role to guide the Association. It strives not only to channel the collective reflection and expression of the university presidents, but also to interpret and to defend the Association’s activities. It also represents the French university as a social institution in interaction with national and international stakeholders.
The current Executive Committee, re-elected through 14 December 2022, is composed of:
- Manuel Tunon de Lara, Chairman,
- Virginie Dupont, Vice President,
- Guillaume Gellé, Vice President.
Executive Committee members are simultaneously university presidents and elected members of France Universités. Their election to the Executive Committee does not entitle them to any financial remuneration.
The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors includes the members of the Executive Committee:
- Manuel Tunon de Lara, President,
- Virginie Dupont, Executive Committee Vice President and President of Université Bretagne Sud
- Guillaume Gellé, Executive Committee Vice President and President of Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne.
Additionally, of Board of Directors includes the eight Commission Presidents:
- François Germinet, President of the France Universités Commission on Training and Professional Integration, and President of CY Cergy Paris Université,
- Gilles Roussel, President of the France Universités Commission on Research and Innovation
- Dean Lewis, President of the France Universités Commission on Resources and Personnel, and President of the University of Bordeaux,
- Alain Bui, President of the France Universités Commission on Student Life and Campus Life, and President of the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines,
- Macha Woronoff, President of the France Universités Commission on Health Issues, and President of the Université de Franche-Comté,
- Emmanuelle Garnier, President of the France Universités Commission on International and European Relations, and President of the Université de Toulouse Jean Jaurès,
- Philippe Raimbault, President of the France Universités Legal Commission, and President of the Université Fédérale de Toulouse,
- Philippe Ellerkamp, President of the France Universités Commission on Universities and Local Communities, and President of Avignon Université.
Additionally, the Board of Directors includes seven other university presidents:
- Jean-Marc Ogier, president of La Rochelle Université;
- Virginie Laval, President of Université de Poitiers;
- Mathias Bernard, President of the Université Clermont Auvergne;
- Frédéric Miranville, President of Université de la Réunion;
- David Alis, President of the Université de Rennes 1;
- Jeannick Brisswalter, President of Université Côte d’Azur;
- Catherine Xuereb, President of Institut National Polytechnique (INP) de Toulouse.
Regular meetings
Once a month, the members of France Universités meet in Paris on the third Thursday of the month for a general assembly.
The week before this meeting, the presidents and directors participate in commissions and committees.
Finally, on Thursday afternoons, they can attend seminars and conferences organized by France Universités on topics of current interest or of prospective interest to higher education and research. Unlike the other France Universités meetings, these moments of exchange are open to the university community.
The Board also meets on the three other Thursdays of the month for working meetings on texts, proposals, projects, motions, and documents for use in the plenary meetings.
Download the statutes and the internal regulations