In a hearing before the members of France Universités, the French Minister of Higher Education and Research, Sylvie Retailleau, announces 275 million euros to meet the additional costs of energy in 2023.
This Thursday, October 27, 2022, in a hearing before the General Assembly of France Universités, the Minister of Higher Education and Research, Sylvie Retailleau, had a long discussion with university presidents and detailed the government’s plan to limit the impact of rising energy prices on university budgets. An additional 275 million euros will be allocated to an intervention fund dedicated to energy for 2023.
The Minister of Higher Education and Research, Sylvie Retailleau, spoke to 120 university presidents and directors of higher education institutions, gathered at the monthly general assembly of France Universités, to detail the measures in the 2023 finance bill for higher education, research institutions, and student life.
She also spoke at length about the impact of the crisis and the rise in energy prices, which are raising serious concerns in the university community.
According to France Universités and the government, the additional costs related
to energy could reach approximately €100 million in 2022 and €500 million in 2023 for higher education institutions compared to 2021, and €40 million in 2022 and €200 million in 2023 for national research organizations compared to 2021.
During her exchange with the university presidents, the Minister announced the creation of a €275 million intervention fund dedicated to energy, in addition to the spending for higher education and research that was already announced in the 2023 budget. The aid should be paid in proportion to the additional costs, to help all higher education and research institutions, and will also take into account the particular financial situation of each of them.
For France Universités, as for the Minister Sylvie Retailleau, the budgetary constraints linked to energy costs must not penalize research or investment projects, nor staff recruitment campaigns, nor the material conditions necessary for student productivity and comfort.
France Universités welcomes the Minister’s announcements and thanks her for her support in a budgetary context which has grown increasingly difficult for institutions. It would have been problematic if the universities had not benefited from government aid, given that private companies and local governments have been able to benefit from comparable relief measures.