France Universités


France Universités : date de publication

    Every two years, the Conference elects all of its bodies, including an Executive Office (Bureau) composed of a President and two Vice Presidents.

    A permanent team of project managers is involved in examining files, producing studies and monitoring the work of the organization’s seven commissions. At the head of the team is the Delegate General, who advises the Executive Office and coordinates the entire team, both in Paris and in Brussels.

    The Conference meets in plenary on the third Thursday of each month.

    The Standing Commission (CP2U) also meets monthly, on the first Thursday of the month. The other bodies meet as often as necessary.

    A new beginning for France Universités

    Until 2007, France Universités was defined by a 1984 law, under which it was chaired by the Minister of Higher Education, and had neither legal personality nor financial autonomy.

    The law of August 2007 changed this situation, which was quite exceptional in Europe, by authorizing France Universités to organize as a nonprofit organization recognized as being of public utility.

    France Universités had already begun work to make this change effective, which allowed it to enter fully and officially, in 2008, into the various partnerships that a modern conference of university leaders should rightfully maintain.

    The members of France Universités

    A French law relating to the “Libertés et Responsabilités des Universités” (LRU), adopted on August 10, 2007, defines the membership of France Universités to include the presidents and directors of:

    • Universities,
    • Ecoles Normales Supérieures,
    • Grands établissements
    2 million
    research laboratories
    Nobel prize winners