Communiqués de presse

Soutien de la CPU et de l'EUA face à une entreprise de destruction des institutions universitaires turques

France Universités : date de publication

    Le communiqué de la CPU :

    Soutien de la CPU face à une entreprise de destruction des institutions universitaires turques

    Suite aux évènements du 15 juillet, le ministère turc de l’Education a entrepris une véritable « purge », il vient en effet d’annoncer la suspension de plus de 15 000 de ses employés « soupçonnés d’être liés au prédicateur Fethullah Gülen ». On y apprend également que 1 577 doyens d’universités sont suspendus ! Coup de grâce porté à l’enseignement supérieur et à la recherche turque, on apprend aujourd’hui que les universitaires ne sont désormais plus autorisés à voyager.

    La Conférence des présidents d’université dénonce une atteinte inacceptable à la démocratie et apporte son plein soutien à l’ensemble de la communauté universitaire turque. La CPU demande au gouvernement français et au Conseil européen de prendre toutes leurs responsabilités pour faire en sorte de garantir les droits fondamentaux, assurer la défense des libertés académiques et le pluralisme scientifique aux portes de l’Europe. Elle demande à l’ensemble des acteurs européens de protéger le capital scientifique de la Turquie et de préserver son développement partout dans le monde.

    Le communiqué de la CPU (version anglaise) :

    Support of the CPU to the Turkish universities against the will of the State to destroy the Higher education system

    Following the events of the 15th of July, the Turkish Ministry of Education has undertaken a real « purge » by announcing the suspension of more than 15 000 of its employees « suspected of being linked to the preacher Fethullah Gülen ». We also learn that 1577 deans of universities are suspended! Final blow to higher education and to the Turkish research, we learned today that academics are no longer allowed to travel.

    The French rectors conference denounces an unacceptable attack on democracy and fully supports the whole of the Turkish academic community. The CPU requests to the French government and the European Council to take their full responsibility to guarantee fundamental rights, the defense of academic freedom and scientific pluralism at the gates of Europe. It calls all of the European stakeholders to protect the scientific capital of Turkey and safeguards its worlwide development everywhere in the world.

    Le communiqué de l’Association européenne de l’université (EUA) :

    EUA Statement condemning the forced resignation of 1577 university deans

    Following Friday’s coup attempt in Turkey the education sector, including the higher education sector, has been targeted, as have many other public sectors. 15,200 education staff have been suspended while Turkey’s Hurriyet reports that the Higher Education Council (YÖK) has ordered the resignation of Deans from both Turkey’s Public and foundation universities, 1176 from state universities and 401 from Foundation universities. EUA strongly condemns this action against universities and university staff, and expresses its heartfelt support for the higher education community in Turkey at this time.

    While there has been global and unanimous support for the democratically elected government of Turkey in reaction to the military coup, the measures introduced to-day go in the wrong direction. More than ever Turkey needs freedom of speech, public and open debate, as advocated by its strong university sector, committed to internationally recognised university values, the principles of academic freedom, free expression and freedom of association.

    EUA calls on all European governments, universities and scholars to speak out against these developments and to support democracy in Turkey, including institutional autonomy and academic freedom for scholars and students.

    Signez la pétition de soutien aux universitaires turcs lancée par la CPU

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